The blond CK model look alike turned around to face the beautiful brunette from where that sweet voice had come from.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but my battery just died and I need to make a super important call!" I made my best damsel in distress look, which ALWAYS works!
"Of course! How could I say no to such a pretty lady?"
I giggled, took his phone, and dialed Claire's number.
"Hey, mom?"
"What? Mass, you're calling me!" I heard Claire say on the other end of the line, sounding confused.
"Yeah I'm still here, could you pick me up? I know, it's not my phone, this really sweet guy let me borrow his since mine died." I look at him with a sweet and thankful smile. He smiled back.
"OH!! I get it now, you needed an excuse to talk to some hot guy! God, you scared me, I thought you were going crazy for a sec! Well hung up the phone and talk to the hottie instead of me, duh!! Bye Mass."
"Bye mommy!" I wanted to laugh so hard, but I did my best to keep a straight face. Claire really knew me well!
"Thanks! You totally saved me!" I said.
"You're welcome, Massie right?"
"How did you know??" at that point I was truly surprised!
"Everyone does..." He presented me with a sweet and shy smile. Eh-mah-gawd that guy was killing me!
"Oh... Hopefully that's a good thing! Anyway, I hope I can repay you somehow!"
"Hum... I think you can!" His sweet smile was gone. In it's place, was a naughty smirk that made my stomach turn.
"Really? How?" I asked shyly.
"Since you took my phone... You could take advantage of it and just dial your number on it!"
"Oh, sure! Is that really it?" I tried to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal, when in reality I was squealing inside! I could NAWT wait to tell the girls!!
"Yap, that's it!" He gave me a bright smile that showed all of his shiny white teeth.
I dialed my number on his phone and saved it as "Massie B", thinking that he could finish it latter with "Block" or "Beautiful"... whatever he felt like!
He thanked me and we waved goodbyes.
Latter on, after my strawberry and vanilla scented bubble bath, I was putting on my silk PJs on when I heard my iPhone's text sound.
I grabbed it and checked the screen:
I nearly fell out of my bed with excitement! After waiting a good 10mins (you gotta keep the hanging for a bit...), I texted back.
After that, I immediately called TPC and told them all that had happened in that beautiful day!
You just CAN'T wait to know what comes next, right?
And do not worry, you know me! This isn't some cheesy story. And no, my life is NAWT all about guys. So keep checking the blog and you'll find out more and more about me, my new ah-dorable crush, my BFFs and much much more!!
See ya soon.
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