Thursday, April 9, 2015

School is killing me!

OK, first I get sick and can barely leave bed... Now THIS??

Jeez, teachers are getting more annoying than dubstep music!!
What is up with all the crazy projects and tests, all at the same time??
Srsly, is this never over??

Today, in History class, Ms. Rover just HAD to give us another assignment on the roooooooaring 20's! Because we haven't done two already or anything...

Srsly, she talks about the 1920's with such passion, you end up thinking she was actually there!!!! Well maybe she was... How old is she again? Wtv.

I think I'll use some of my ah-mazing manipulative skills, and convince her that 20's fashion is like the BEST theme EVAH!! 
At least I'll enjoy it!!

OK, total subject change, can you ppl at OCD High School finally learn that fashion trends go and come? Like what the heck is going on with the colored skinny jeans??? Soooo gee gee gee!!

Guys, learn how to look at me, k? It's sooooo frustrating to walk around a school looking ah-mazing, and then having to look at you all looking ah-mygawadwhatisshewearing!!!!

So you can get what's going on in fashion NOW, check the Outfit Inspirations Of The Month page of this blog! I just updated it ;)

And I have a SURPRISE for you guys!
I know you all know of my ob-freaking-session for lip products right? And you know I used to loved Glossip Girl, right?
Well guess what... Glossip Girl is done, done and done. The note left on my door said "We ran out of flavours to try". How pathetic??
So, to keep celebrating my always changing lips craze, I decided to create the Lip Of The Week Page, where I'll let you in on the secret of what will be on lips that week!!
AH-MAZING, right? I know!

Oh, and one more thing: Julianne Pignatelli - NO, UGGs are NAWT in anymore!! Puh-lease, grow some common fashion sense!! Go check the Current State Of The Union page to know what's IN and what's OUT, so I don't have to keep rubbing it in you face all the time!!


I know you are all dying to know what happened to me and the girls after that last post, but since I've been sick, I've been too tired to write the entire story. It's a long one!

But don't worry... It's coming next week!

- M.B.

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